Seven days after launch. What's next?

Today is an important day. Our store is officially one week old!
It was last week, November 9th, that we took the leap and launched our online store, not really knowing what exactly would happen then, and kind of anxious about what would come out of these first few days.
What drives our motivation to keep going
The fact is, we have not been disappointed at all. We received warm welcomes and lovely words from many people through e-mails and social media, which has been the most surprising to us: There are people out there actually interested in our store and our products although we are just getting started!
And then we realized visitors were even buying these products, whether they were good friends eager to support and help us or complete strangers simply curious about what we were offering, in a way that sincerely exceeded our expectations. Some of them even started sharing pictures of their new products to the world!
To be honest, we felt deeply honored.
For that, we really want to thank those who engaged with us whether it was by buying food from us or simply liking a post or leaving a comment. It means A LOT. It makes us feel we have a purpose and it provides the support we truly need to keep going.
So, from the bottom of our heart, thank you so much for your participation 😊
What’s next?
But, although this first week has been overwhelmingly busy and exciting, we feel it is just a starting point. In fact, we made enough sales to have a clearer view of our near future, which allowed us to start thinking about new projects we have not thought possible at a so early stage of our development.
So, from now on we will start working on reordering the few items currently out of stock, adding new delicious products starting next week, and developing a new feature which we will keep secret for now but that we believe to be an exciting one for our customers. Honestly, we cannot wait!
This is where the work really starts
All in all, it has been a great start. We have been delighted by the enthusiasm of our initial customers, and we now have hope that we can keep growing to introduce more lovely food and share more interesting stories about the ones who make them.
It feels great to be there already, but this is where the work really starts now. Stay tuned!
- Tags: Behind the scenes
- Mikael B.
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