Preserving Dry Salami

If for most of our products the preservations rules are usually straightforward, this is a different story for our French Dry Salami, a very delicate products that should be carefully handled for maximum enjoyment. The salami being cured meat, it is virtually non perishable as long as it is preserved properly, since the process of salting and drying dehydrates decay-causing bacteria and lets good bacteria grow in this type of meat, a very old way of preserving food.

However, “preserving properly” is a delicate process here: A storage too hot, and the fat in the salami will start melting, degrading its taste and quality. Too cold, and the salami stick will start drying up and become hard like a rock.

So in order to help you make the most of your delicious French dry salami, we will describe some valuable points in the following text.

Key preservation points

As a rule of thumb, remember that a dry salami should always be:

  • Kept in a 12 to 18°C storage
  • Kept at 70 to 75% humidity
  • Breathing, therefore wrapped in appropriate papers before storage: Butcher paper, tea towel, Kitchen paper or aluminum+newspaper

For details and explanations, please read below.

Preserving a Dry Salami

As long has the casing of a Dry Salami is still intact, meaning the piece has not been sliced/cut yet, it can be stored in theory for several months or even years although we would always recommend to follow the “best before” date showed on the packaging.
To keep your piece of salami well preserved, please follow the rules below:

Storage: A dry salami should be stored in a temperature-humidity controlled, well-ventilated room/storage with a range of 12 to 18°C, and a humidity level of 70 to 75%. Of course, not everyone owns a cool private and ventilated basement, so the vegetable compartment of your fridge is a good option. Or a wine cellar if you are lucky enough to own one.

Packaging: The Dry Salami needs to breathe as well as being preserved from too much condensation, it’s a key factor. So, if you don't plan to eat and finish your dry salami soon, we recommend putting it out of its original packaging once you receive it, and wrap it in butcher paper, kitchen paper, tea towel or aluminum foil wrapped in a thick layer of newspaper. This way, the Salami will still have access to the light humidity it needs not to dry up too fast. We do not recommend airtight sealed container in that matter.

Please note: Some of our salami are sold in a vacuum sealed packaging. If you still want to keep them that way, then you should preserve them in cold storage (below 8°C in a refridgerator) and consume them within 3 to 4 months usually by following the "Best Before" date showed on the packaging.

- Cut/sliced dry salami: A sliced piece of Salami is not protected by its casing anymore, thus allowing for bacteria to develop like any other food. Therefore, a partially consumed dry salami should be consumed within 2 to 3 weeks, with the cut part covered with cellophane paper when stored in the fridge (12 to 18°C in the vegetable compartment)
Note that if you are storing sliced left-over pieces, it's best to put them in an airtight sealed container and consume them within a few days; they will probably dry up very fast otherwise.

- Moisture: some moisture could appear where you store your dry salami, thus allowing for the development of green or gray mold on the casing. It's actually perfectly natural: these are the good bacteria used for preservation, they simply started developing more because of too humid storage conditions. In that case, simply wipe them off with a kitchen tissue, or remove the casing from the piece you're planning to eat.
Also, if you find moisture on the salami, dry it up with kitchen paper and change the salami wrapping every time you store it. That way, you'll avoid the appearance of mold.

FAQ Dry Salami

Is it safe to eat the casing?
Absolutely! Since our Salami's casing are all made of natural intestines, or in some cases, starch, they are perfectly safe to eat. It is up to you to remove it or not before eating the salami, according to your taste. 
However, as a general rule, it is usually recommended to remove the casing of a salami if it is thick or very spicy (pepper) so that you can fully enjoy its meat taste.

What is that white powder on the salami ?
This powder is made of penicillium, the "good bacteria" which is used during the curing process, the same type you can find in some cheese or antibiotics, This white powder is called "fleur du saucisson" (salami's flower) by french producers and is one of the key element for the maturation of the meat : Seeing this powder on salami is a good thing and it's perfectly safe to eat.
In some case, the powder can also be partly made of rice flour used to improve the preservation of the dry salamis.

Is it safe to eat salami when it has become very dry?
Yes, it is absolutely safe. However, a dried-up salami is never easy to eat. Should that happen, try cutting it into very thin slices or cut it into pieces and add it to a hot soup. That way, pieces of salami will become tender again while your soup will be a really tasty one!

What is considered a "too hot" temperature for dry salami?
Above 23-25°C, the fat within the salami will start melting. If you plan to eat it soon, then it's a good thing since it will help increase its tastiness, but it is definitely not recommended for storing: the quality of the salami will start to degrade if kept too long in a hot storage place.